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Best Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in 2022

Whether you've been together for two months or two decades, it's no secret that coming up with some great Valentine's Day ideas can be stressful. While things may look and feel the same like last year due to new variant (duh) and restriction there are still plenty of ways to make Valentine's Day special for your significant other. All you need is creativity. So, here’s the top 10 Valentine’s day date ideas in 2022 you’ll always remember. 

  1. Themed dinner at home 

Saturday Night Live Cooking GIF by HULU

If you’re still afraid to dine in, let’s take the restaurant to your home! Cook your both favourite meal together and it’s time to release your inner Master Chef. No need to cook fancy meals that took hours to cook. Simple dishes for example steak or pasta will do! In addition, if you really really cannot cook, you can order frozen foods from your favourite restaurant. These days, some restaurants offer frozen foods for people who are still afraid to dine in. 

Arrange your table with flowers and scented candles and tadaaa you have a restaurant in your home! 

  1. Movie night 

Music Video Popcorn GIF by Chris Mann

After the scrumptious dinner, time for entertainment. Buy matching pajamas and watch new released movies or your all time favourite movies! Don’t forget some popcorn and soda! 

  1. Stream virtual concert


Don’t you miss going to concerts? Because we do! 😢 But don’t worry, you can stream virtual concert or watch concert movie on Netflix (Pssssst….Beyonce’s Homecoming movie is amaziiiiiiing) Singing out loud your jam together! 

  1. Gift exchange 

Excited Happy Birthday GIF

Surprise him/her with memorable gifts. It’s time to get creative with the gifts! 

  1. Drive around the city 

Wicked City Road GIF

Stroll around to see the city light at night. There is something really peaceful about a city at night.

  1. Art Night 

Spring Fever Hallmarkies GIF by Hallmark Channel

Whether you've been in a relationship for years or you're spending your first ever Valentine's Day together, it's never too late to learn something new. Watch paint tutorials and make your own art. Or, you can also make a collage of your favorite photos together. 

  1. Fondue pot 

Excited Halloween GIF by HiHo Kids

If you still have room in your tummy and are looking for delish dessert, try fondue pot! Melt cheese or chocolate in the fondue pot and dip your favorite toppings. Nyumm… strawberry and chocolate never go wrong. Agree? 

  1. Video keepsake 

Power Rangers Noah Carver GIF by HULU

Sometimes we’re too shy to directly tell our significant other how much we love them, what we love about them, etc. So, you can secretly make a video about it and give it to them during your lovely dinner. The sparks of romantic memory will fly! 

9. Board Game Night

Buy a new set of board game and play after V-day dinner! There are many board game that help you to know each other deeper or travel down your memory lane.

10. Recreate First Date

Where did you guys have your first date? Go back and relive it! While you recreate your first date, don't forget to create more other firsts! For example, your first yoga class together, your first couple massage, and many more!

So, that's the Best Valentine's Day Date Ideas in 2022. How do you plan to spend Valentine’s day? We'd love to arrange your date with amazing, eligible singles in our database. They’re sincere, successful, loving and one thing's for sure: they are serious about finding love!

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