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Swiping on someone you knew in real life on dating app

So you're happily on a dating app. Suddenly, you saw a profile of someone you knew in real life! (cue: your neighbor, school mate, colleague, acquaintance..)

Do you go left or right?

Personally, if I have a crush on that person, this would be the perfect opportunity to make the first move. And if I don’t get a swipe back, I’ll just blame it on “the glitch” or the famous “oh, I accidentally swiped right! LOL”. Worst case scenario, I would fake my death, change my name and move to Antarctica.

But what if you are NOT attracted to the person …*cue dramatic music*

Obligations and courtesy were taught to us when we were growing up but not so much on swiping etiquettes. Do you swipe right out of politeness? Will swiping left seem harsh? What if they get the wrong idea or worse….what if they get the right idea AND get offended by it?


Well, it all comes down to if you’re interested in that person. (or you think they have good qualities that you're looking for in a potential romantic partner. At least that's a good start, if you do not know that person that well.)

If you’re not, don’t self-sabotage yourself into a mess that could make things uncomfortable for the both of you. Sure, some dating apps don’t notify the other party which way you swiped but can you imagine how awkward the conversation could get if the both of you swiped right OUT OF COMMON COURTESY? *cringe*

dating appIf the both of you were already interested in real life, either one of you would have given a hint. Don’t let dating app be the cause of something that wasn’t even on the radar to begin with!


Like I said before, if it’s a crush or someone you’ve been finding ways to approach then by all means, GO FOR IT. How often do you get the chance to make the first move without having to face the repercussions and the feared “rejection”? For all you know, that person is having the same dilemma too….even if they’re not, who cares, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You don’t even have to worry about saying something smooth, at least not till you get YOUR swipe back.

It’s worth a shot, I mean the fact that the person is on a dating site shows that he/she is single and that’s half the battle won!

So, when you swipe left or right on someone you know irl when it comes to dating apps, don’t do it out of obligation unless you know for sure BOTH of you can laugh it off. Just be honest and swiiipeee away!

Well, some of you may not even like swiping on dating apps because duh, you're busy! That's where Lunch Actually comes in. They are the top dating agency in Singapore that arranges quality dates with eligible singles that are compatible to you. They do the profiling, matching, date arrangement, and even taking feedback! All you have to do is, show up and enjoy the date!

So if you don't feel like spending time on dating apps - try enquiring for Lunch Actually and see how they can help you in your dating game!

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