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Interesting Facts about Lunch Actually

If you’re new to Lunch Actually, you may be unaware that not only do we provide matchmaking services but we also provide Date and Image Coaching Services. We do this through our coaching arm, Lunch Actually Coaching.

However, there are some things about Lunch Actually that you may not yet know. Here are some interesting facts about Lunch Actually that may interest you:

1. The First & Largest Matchmaking Agency in Southeast Asia, a Pioneer since 2004

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The first interesting facts about Lunch Actually is, established in 2004, Lunch Actually was the first modern matchmaking agency in the Asian Matchmaking Industry.

Since then, Lunch Actually has expanded to other parts of Asia, with branches in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Thailand (called MeetNLunch in Thailand), alongside our Singapore branch.

With 17 years of experience and having sent out more than 120,000 dates, Lunch Actually has plenty of experience—and experts—ready to help clients who wish to embark on their dating journey.

2. A Wealth of Experience that is Utilized to Optimize Clients’ Dating Experience

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Matchmaking involves a lot of data—from the client’s profile to their preferences and even their feedback after their dates. Additionally, in order to better understand the dating industry and the changing dating habits of our clients, we carry out annual surveys that we send out to respondents in the countries where Lunch Actually conducts business.

Combine that with nearly two decades of experience, Lunch Actually has been able to utilize that data to support clients. The Coaching service that we provide rely on facts and data in order to deliver better advice for clients.

Lunch Actually coaching uses a science-based approach and has helped numerous clients with their issues pertaining to their dating life and relationships. In fact, Lunch Actually coaches use the data they have available combined with the data obtained from the clients themselves so clients can overcome the challenges they have.

Some clients have gone from being unable to communicate and not being able to get that second date to being in a long-term committed relationship. And it’s all thanks to this data-based approach.

3. Emphasis on Personality and Compatibility versus Visuals with our Long-Term Connections Model of Matchmaking

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Lunch Actually believes in helping clients build long-term connections built on compatibility instead of short-term connections based on chemistry. This is counter to the current trend of online dating where users can see a lot of people at once.

However, studies have shown that having too many people to choose from is actually detrimental to your chances of finding a match. Not only that, users may eliminate someone that they’re actually compatible with because they’re too busy filtering their results.

That’s not the case with Lunch Actually. We don’t just rely on algorithms to pick a match for someone. A matchmaker sits down and considers someone’s preferences as well as their compatibility with their match. This way, a client is less likely to accidentally miss their compatible match because the algorithm has filtered them out. 

4. Over 4,500 Happy Couples Formed With a Consistent 86% Happiness Rating From Members After Each Date

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Our members’ satisfaction and happiness have always been one of our top priorities. Our matches have consistently rated their satisfaction at 86% throughout the years. And this is all thanks to our well-tested and well-proven dating methodology as well as our Matchmakers’ dedication in listening and understanding every client’s unique dating preferences. 

We have been able to maintain our clients’ satisfaction rating due to our way of working in close partnership with our clients and obtaining feedback after each of their dates. In doing so, we are able to make any necessary refinements in order to provide our clients with the best possible match.

Prior to arranging the date, our clients will not only receive basic information about their date(s), but they will also be able to discuss with our Matchmakers—through a telephone call—why they were matched to their date(s). During the call, the Matchmaker will share additional information such as the match’s personality, lifestyle, and the overall impression the match gave to team members who have met with them previously. 

This way, our clients are able to have a more cohesive and human description of their date, especially in comparison to reading their profile off an email. 

Those are the interesting facts about Lunch Actually. Click this banner to find out more about Lunch Actually.

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