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Tag: dating advice

How Does Love Bring So Much Lasting Happiness More Than Anything Else?
How Does Love Bring So Much Lasting Happiness More Than Anything Else?
Happiness is an emotion; happiness is subjective. A person can feel happy because of his financial wealth; another can be happy even when he does not have a big house...

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New Year, New Love: How to Overcome Heartbreak and Move On
New Year, New Love: How to Overcome Heartbreak and Move On
Walking in the rain When you’re committed to a relationship, you’ll have to expect the good and the bad things that come with it. It’s all in a package that...

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Celebrities Who Found Love During Christmas
Celebrities Who Found Love During Christmas
It’s no surprise since it’s the most magical time of the year, no? Maybe it’s got to do with the festive lights and warm vibes, the season of gifting really...

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Geting Someone’s Number At Your Office Christmas Party
Geting Someone’s Number At Your Office Christmas Party
Dating or the art of asking someone out has changed so much over the time. 20 or 30 years ago, getting someone’s number at an office Christmas party would be...

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Guide to Most Single-Friendly Estates in Singapore!
Guide to Most Single-Friendly Estates in Singapore!
This article was originally published in As you might already have known, picking the best neighbourhoods in Singapore to stay at is a highly subjective matter. With the higher...

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Diaries of a Cupid#1: Date Now, or Never! by Lunch Actually Cupids
Diaries of a Cupid#1: Date Now, or Never! by Lunch Actually Cupids
What happens when you postpone or reject a date?   Lunch Actually Cupids have finally found a match for you out of a pool of more than 2,800 members (male...

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Swiping on someone you know on dating app
Swiping on someone you know on dating app
So you're happily on a dating app. Suddenly, you see a profile of someone you know in real life!  Do you go left or right? Personally, if I have a...

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Annual Singles Dating Survey 2018 Reveals that….
Annual Singles Dating Survey 2018 Reveals that….
Lunch Actually today released findings from its Annual Singles Dating Survey 2018 - that was conducted with 1,300+ singles living in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand. The survey...

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Matchmaker’s Secret: How Do We Match?
Matchmaker’s Secret: How Do We Match?
One of the questions that I'm always asked by people I meet when I reveal to them that I'm a matchmaker is, "How do you make a match?" We even...

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4 Ways to Move from Texting to Dating
4 Ways to Move from Texting to Dating
You’re tired of random blind dates with people you have nothing in common with, and you’re too nervous to actually go out and approach someone. So naturally, many turn to...

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10 Signs Of A Boyfriend Material - Is He The One?
10 Signs Of A Boyfriend Material - Is He The One?
If you’re reading this, you probably already have someone special on your mind, or you’re just preparing yourself if he ever comes your way.  Well, ladies, we’ve compiled a list of...

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15 Genuinely Fun First Date Ideas (That Aren’t Just Movies and Drinks)
15 Genuinely Fun First Date Ideas (That Aren’t Just Movies and Drinks)
So the crush you’ve been head over heels for finally said yes to date? What are your options? Movie date? Can’t really talk to each other.Drinks? Too casual, also super...

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