Top 10 Most Attractive Male Singaporean Celebrities According to Local Women
The Most Attractive Male Singaporean Celebrities According to Our Survey
Last week, we asked the men which Singaporean female celebrities they would date if they could. We couldn’t miss out on the women, of course, and we dutifully asked Singaporean women which local male celebrity they would want to be in a relationship with.
The results? Well, here’s our top 10 list of Singaporean male hunks in the spotlight Singaporean women wished they could bring home to meet the parents. Mum would certainly approve.
1. Nathan Harton
Why we love him:
The charismatic singer, who made headlines recently for winning second place at prestigious singing competition Sing! China, takes the phrase “follow your heart” to his heart.
This dreamboat chose to study his passion music, even though he had already secured a place in the arts faculty at the National University of Singapore. If you have his heart, he’ll be sure to follow you wherever you may go.
2. Erwin Shah Ismail
Why we love him:
The trilingual actor, singer and musician has been nominated twice for Best Supporting Actor at the Life! Theatre Awards, but beneath his cool exterior lies a soft spot for kids.
He enjoys performing for children so much that he often speaks joyfully of his work with The Little Company, Players Theatre and iTheatre. Perfect father material! That’s all we’ll say.
3. Elvin Ng

Why we love him:
Handsome doesn’t even begin to describe this charming actor whose doe eyes and stunning smile lights up every room he walks into.
Elvin has overcome many obstacles to triumph in his career, especially when he was criticised for his looks and acting in his early days on Channel 8. Date him, and you’ll be with a guy who will never give up on you.
4. Nat Ho
Why we love him:
After making a splash in the Singapore entertainment scene as one of the most memorable contestants on Singapore Idol’s first season in 2004, Nat moved to Taiwan to pursue his music career despite admitting to a ton of hardships in a foreign land.
It paid off as he’s now more recognised than ever. We can certainly appreciate a hardworking man. His sexy eyes and adventurous spirit also helps!
5. Divian Nair
Why we love him:
Daredevil looks with a daredevil attitude is what makes this TV host and former 987FM DJ so appealing. After his controversially-titled “I Will Not Die For Singapore” video, questioning Singaporeans’ core identity, went viral, he was the stuff of many fan girls’ dreams.
If you want to date a man who can think out of the box and make you swoon with his mesmerising voice, then look no further.
6. Taufik Batisah
Why we love him:
Who can forget the heart-warming way this soulful crooner won Singapore Idol’s inaugural season in 2004? This vocal powerhouse, who emotes beautifully through his songs, is a killer when it comes to tugging at your heartstrings.
Look into his naturally gorgeous eyes (he’ll tell you that he does not use eyeliner) while he’s serenading you, and you could be lost in his eyes for quite a while.
7. Sezairi Sezali
Why we love him:
This charming singer, also Singapore Idol’s Season 3 winner, is known for his inspiring posts on his social media accounts. His loyalty to his long-time girlfriend whom he married early this year is also well-known.
Just this year, he also tweeted: “If you just did your PSLE, take this from me. The rest of your life is not decided by 3 numbers.” A man who gives hope to those in despair will certainly be a joy to share long, meaningful conversations with.
8. Allan Wu
Why we love him:
Think Allan Wu and one thing comes to mind. We are not shying away from admitting that the Singapore-based Chinese-American actor and host of Amazing Race Asia has a fantastic physique.
Toned abs, rippling biceps and muscular shoulders make him an eye candy that most women drool over. Plus, think of how safe and protected you’ll feel walking next to him on your dates.
9. Joakim Gomez
Why we love him:
It’s hard to place a finger on why the 987FM producer-presenter is so attractive. Perhaps his allure stems from the fact that he cannot be
Of Korean and Indian heritage, the free-spirited cutie has dabbled in singing, hosting, and acting, winning over many female fans while he’s at it. Like a bit of mystery to your man? Then Joakim’s your ideal date in the making.
10. Lee Min Wei
Why we love him:
Move over Lee Min Ho, Singapore’s now got our very own heart-throb and truth be told, he may even give you a run for your money! Meet Lee Min Wei, a Corporal in the Auxiliary Police Force at Certis Cisco, who works at Changi Airport as an officer.
Blessed with great genes, the hunk rose to instant Internet fame when pictures of him checking people’s passports were posted on local humour site SGAG. The best part? He says he is single.
Did we miss out on any heartthrobs? Do you know of someone else that you think belongs more on this list? Tell us in the comments below!

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