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Lunch Actually Announces New Logo - Dating Agency - Dating Singapopre

Hi! Do you like Lunch Actually new look? This is the first time in 15 years that we have updated our logo as well as colours and we are super excited!

lunch actually new logo

Hi, I'm Violet, CEO and Co-Founder of Lunch Actually. I'm writing this post to share with you about our recent rebranding campaign and why we decided to have this makeover on our overall look!

Lunch Actually was launched in April 2004 when I was just 24 years old. I actually read Law at the University of Manchester, and did my Masters in Personnel Management at the London School of Economics. While I was on my summer internship at a law firm, I handled a case between this divorced couple. I remember feeling really sad that they could not even manage to communicate to each other directly and they had to go through the lawyers to talk about a very simple thing like who's going to pick up the kids from school. I soon realized that as much as I Ioved law, it was not my calling.

How I Started Lunch Actually

I got caught up into the “trend” of applying for banking or management consultancy jobs, as I saw all my classmates heading towards that route. I was fortunate to be offered a job with Citibank as a management associate prior to graduating. While I was working there, I was surprised that many of my eligible and attractive colleagues were single.

I would have imagined that people who worked in banking would be extremely eligible and sought after, but yet, my colleagues weren’t even dating - they were all busy and virtually married to their jobs.

At the same time, I had many of my friends who were about the same age as my colleagues, getting engaged, married, or even having kids. I discovered that most of them met actually their future partners at school, or at university. I met my husband Jamie at university as well.

It seemed to me that after graduation, the chances of meeting a partner while building up your career were getting slimmer and slimmer, especially when you are working long hours.

I had chanced upon the concept of lunch dating while I was travelling, and immediately saw the potential of this business. Lunch dates were short, sweet, and simple - long enough to know someone; yet not too long that it would become awkward. And after all, no matter how busy work gets, everyone needs to have lunch, right?

So that was when it became very clear to me. I want to spend my time and resources to focus on something that I am passionate about: a business is not just about making money, but one that can make a difference and help others find their lifelong happiness. I loved the idea of being able to combine my passion of helping others with the prospect of building a business. That's how Jamie and I decided to quit our jobs and started Lunch Actually.

Our First Logo

When we started, we wanted brand colours that were vibrant and attractive. We decided on purple and orange as we did not want to choose the predictable colour of love (which is red). Our vision was to create a modern and fun brand for working professionals.

The fork and spoon icon were conceptualized to symbolize lunch - as Lunch Actually is about connecting singles over lunch dates.

This was our old logo:

lunch actually old logo

However, just like how our date coaches would work with our clients to always present the best first impression; we feel that we need to update our look to stay relevant and congruent with our identity, our brand and our work. My 13 years old son was quite aghast when I showed him our old logo, and he told me, “Mummy, that’s so 2001!” Well, he’s pretty accurate as we started in 2004.

15 years later, our business has grown and evolved. With your support, we have become the most trusted and effective dating service for busy professionals.We have also expanded our lines of products to cater to singles from different walks of life. From Singapore, we have also branched out to 5 different locations; and we have become the go-to solution when it comes to dating and relationships.

We want a logo that reflect our journey and our evolution.

With that in mind, I have worked closely with our in-house designers to create our new look! We have retained the key elements and the core spirit of our brand and logo. Our new logo is modern and clean, and we are using a simpler colour palette. Am happy to report that our new logo has also met the approval of my teenage son! :)

This is our new logo:

lunch actually logo

As you can see, the main elements of our fonts, the fork and spoon icons are still there. However we refine the shape to be more sophisticated.

lunch actually old and new logo

You will see our new branding in our brand-new Lunch Actually website and all of our emails and communication channels going forward, including our new business cards.

lunch actually new business card

We hope you love it as much as we do!

If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to email us and thank you so much for your support throughout the last 15 years!


Violet Lim - CEO & Co-Founder of Lunch Actually

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