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6 Tips To Survive LDR

Long distance relationship (LDR) becomes a huge reason why some people don’t get into a relationship. “I REALLY like him/her but we're not even in the same time zone”.

Which is understandable but is that a valid reason to let go of something that could be the love of your life just because you don't know if you can survive LDR? Here's where the 6 tips to survive LDR comes to the rescue!

So the ultimate question: Does absence make the heart grow fonder OR is it out of sight, out of mind?

And for those who are already in LDR, do you wake up everyday feeling heavy and confused thinking of the future for your relationship? Badgered by the constant thought of “Is it worth it?” or “Is this relationship on the same level of priority for the both of us?”

First of all, long distance relationships DO work. Just like any other relationship, it needs time, love and patience….lots of patience. Just because you can't see your effect on someone face to face, it doesn’t mean there is no future or growth for your relationship.

Whichever stage you are in your relationship, it’s never a bad idea to accept a little help for something you love. So, here are the 6 tips to survive LDR.

1. Less Is NOT More, More Is NOT Less..Just Find the Right Balance

For obvious reasons, there comes a feeling to overcompensate when it comes to LDR. Especially in the beginning of it, honeymoon phase aside, you feel the need to constantly talk or you’ll lose “the closeness”. But at the same time, just because you’re in LDR you can’t be smothering each other by constantly expecting to be available ALL THE TIME. You need to have your own things and friends to be around. Healthy space never hurt anyone. Besides, imagine if YOU had a friend who’s ALWAYS on their phone.

2. Enjoy The Conversations

One of the best things about LDR is how deep the conversations can get. Face it, that’s all you have when you’re apart. Every argument feels like a waste of time that could be spent better with each other. Which is a great thing! It builds a great foundation to your relationship and you’ll end up being each other’s best friends. Sure, talking will make you miss them more, but with LDR, what wouldn’t? 

3. What’s The End Goal?

“Where is the relationship heading?”

This is probably the scariest question in a relationship. LDR requires a lot of patience and sacrifices. It also works on a different timeline compared to traditional relationships. Most relationships work their way towards realizing if the relationship has a future but with LDR it’s kinda important to clear it out in the early days before you both commit to the idea of LDR. Do you know which one of you are going to move to be closer? Or is going to be the both of you? Where would be a good place to start fresh together? 

It’s not as scary as it sounds, as long as the conversations are open and honest, you WILL be okay.

4. Keep The Green Monster In Check

When you think about it, jealousy is healthy in a relationship. It shows that the person cares and is afraid of losing you. However, healthy can turn to hell very quickly if you don’t keep your emotions in check. When you’re in LDR you need to understand AND accept that your partner has life and a routine before you came into theirs. So, to ask them to change things out of your insecurity seems a little unfair, no? 

I’m not saying you have to be okay with everything that he/she does but instead of getting jealous and creating toxic in an already tested relationship, set boundaries on what makes you uncomfortable and hear their side of explanation. Not as simple as it sounds, I know but it’s worth it for your relationship.  

5. Maximize on the Tech

Well, we have groceries brought up to our front step now so if you’re in LDR and if you are NOT making the most out of the tech…..maybe start now?

I mean, get creative! Step up your good-morning-text game!

6. Don’t Let Others In Your Head

As much as we love our friends and family, they’re going to be the first ones telling LDR is a bad idea. Why? Because they love you and they want to protect you...also because shows like 90 Day Fiance and Catfish: The TV Show have planted paranoia deep in our brains, there’s no way out of it.Don’t get me wrong, listen to what they have to say but ultimately the decision should be yours and yours alone.

Just remember the relationship is between you and your partner, nobody else is going to understand the dynamic between the both of you. So if distance is the only wrong in that relationship which is making you second guess everything, maybe there are one too many voices in your head AND your relationship. 

Relationship is not a job BUT it is hard work. When you’re in LDR, the struggle IS real but you need to ask yourself, if the person is worth it? Are you choosing the right way or the easy way? Either way, good things take time to build and a lot of work but if it gets you a soulmate at the end of everything, I think the challenges are worth, don’t you?

Hopefully these 6 tip to survive LDR helped you in one way or another. And if you're ready for a change in yourself or looking for a fresh start in your love life, click the link and get your journey started!

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