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Does absence really make the heart grow fonder?

As the old adage goes: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. Some people swear by it, while others stand firmly against it, preferring to be strong believers in “out of sight, out of mind”.

However, just as love is often a choice, making a long distance relationship work is also a choice that requires effort from both parties, rather than simply allowing things to take their natural course.

Check out the following suggestions you can use to make the heart grow fonder in a long distance relationship.

1. Start the day right by having your other half for “virtual company”.

Wake each other up with a long distance call over Skype, especially if there is a time difference. A great way to recharge from a long day can be to hear the voice of your other half as they’re just waking up in the morning! If the time is just right, you can even enjoy “virtual meals” together via a conversation over Skype.

2. Move back to more “primitive” methods of communication, like snail mail.

Nothing beats a handwritten letter of love, which can often be accompanied by some small surprises! If you’re not that patient, or simply cannot wait to communicate with your partner in writing, emails can work too. After all, some thoughts are expressed better through writing, and having a heart-warming email to look forward to can be great motivation to get through the day. If you’re feeling creative, you can even include cartoons or videos to fuel your inventory of inside jokes.

3. Get creative with your emails

Instead of a daily summary of what you did, which can get quite boring really fast, how about setting various themes and topics for each day? For example, do something reflective like “5 things I am grateful for today,” or something light-hearted like “5 really dumb things I did today”. These can even be weaved into your many text messages throughout the day.

4. Enlist the help of a “third party”


For example, your partner’s best friend or housemate! He or she can act as a “guardian” or ”emergency contact” of sorts; for instance, if your partner is feeling down, get their best friend to buy their favourite dessert on your behalf to cheer your partner up. Basically, get them to do anything that you cannot personally do.

So there you have it – a few ways you can work on keeping the spark in your relationship alive, while actually using distance to your advantage!

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