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Lunch Actually Reviews: Real Stories From Real People by Success Couples

Everybody loves a good story, what more if it’s a happy ending to a love story, as shown in this Lunch Actually reviews.

For many of these people, the Lunch Actually platform proved to be the beginning of a great chapter of their lives. It’s amazing how love works when all we do is just provide them with suitable matches. This just proves that it would all be fruitful when you decide to seize the opportunity that’s been given right in front of you. With that being said, we’ve got a handful of testimonials from our happy couples and we would like to share some of them with you readers!


Jerry and Kim (Married)

Jerry Kim 1024x682Kim had just ended her 10-year relationship, and literally had nowhere to turn to at that point of time. Like most people who went through heartbreak, she knew it would be difficult to find love again. But she had a calling, and thankfully she turned to Lunch Actually to have a professional to handle whatever comes next for her.

Fast forward to a year later, Kim and Jerry are now happily married.

If she had given up then, she probably wouldn’t have met her future husband. The first step is always the hardest, but take it – bravely put on your best foot forward – and the future would almost always be rewarding.

Also, don’t ever lose touch of who you are as a person. Find yourself a guy who would appreciate and love all that you are. You need not ever have to change yourself in order to please someone else, because there won’t be a person more like you in this world, than you yourself. Have a look at SJ and Alicia’s story below and you’ll realize that being yourself could be the best advice you’ll ever have to follow.


SJ and Alicia (Married)

SJ Alicia

When SJ recalls the kind of traits that Alicia has, he brought us through some very sweet memories and that, to us, was perfect. According to him, they clicked the moment they met, and even went out till 3am on their first date! Not only does she have an amazing sense of humour, she loves to pamper him and shower him with loads of love and care.

And when asked what are the main things that keep their love so strong, it’s to be honest, truthful, sincere and be respectful of one another.

We’re not surprised that they’re both happily married now :)


Peter and Geraldine (Married)

Peter geraldine 1024x697Another success story comes from this loving interracial couple, and it all started with Peter penning down a poem because he was just so taken in by Geraldine’s presence. There’s something genuine about a person when they start writing about someone else, especially when they’ve only just met for a couple of hours. We just had to share it because it’s the sweetest thing ever!

Love at First Fright!

Goodness! … She came early that Saturday afternoon

While me just made it on time.

Moments before I reached there, I wondered

What kind a woman is she really like?


“Err... She’s the old and sentimental type?”, I thought mischievously

For I knew she loved watching Jaws –

That killer shark with a voracious appetite screened years ago;

Or even worse I thought – she’s dated and frail!


Reckon she’s a terror too?

For I knew that her most trusted companion –

Was a fearsome Labrador Retriever that packed more than a yelp!

I’d better watch my mouth, it suddenly struck me.


As I entered Bboss, I caught a glimpse of her – Geraldine

“She’s so beautiful!” my inner voice interrupted.

Over lunch actually did we then exchange smiles and a handshake,

And I quickly plumped myself onto the chair, not knowing what’s to come.


Little did I expect that as food and drinks were being served,

Conversation and humour would spread so infectiously.

And I soon forgot about Jaws and the deep-seated fear –

That she’s the Retriever incarnate herself!


Dare I say that she has fine taste in her selection of the dishes?

“La principessa, il vostro gusto in alimento fine è eccellente!”

She loves everything Italian – pasta and cheese;

I, on the other hand, savoured her as lunch … actually … Hee!


Interestingly, we exchanged quite a few personal histories,

And “My God!” – what an interesting girl she really is!

The man inside me wanted more of her – not just her excellent taste buds;

To me she no longer was the Jaws or Retriever I feared.


Now soon I found myself engaged in her delightful company,

We yakked and laughed till our brains turned us cuckoo!

But before the heartburns set in, I had called for the docket –

And I knew that time was not on my side.


Eeks! The exciting luncheon rendezvous ended,

And it sickened me to the teeth that Geraldine had to go.

In my mind I knew I had to see her again – somewhere, somehow;

Because the fool inside me had forgotten to get her number!

Even if you haven’t had the luck to find someone that can hit it off with you yet, fret not, because that only means that our consultants are trying their level best to help you in the dating pool. A more well-suited match will definitely be waiting for you. And besides, there’s nothing to lose since you’ll still get to meet all sorts of people from your matches that can also help to expand your social circle – just like how James was before he met the girl of his dreams.


James (In a relationship)

James 1024x576James had a lot to thank Lunch Actually for, since our consultants have not only been giving him tips on the dating etiquette, they’ve also carefully arranged and spent an enormous amount of time to help him secure dates. The effort and time spent in understanding the character that he is, and to look for a well-suited match for him were really commendable. Now, he’s in a relationship and they are even in the talks of walking down the aisle in the near future.

Now, these reviews should be able to convince you to try Lunch Actually, and even if they don’t, we’re pretty sure some of these stories were enough to put a smile on that face J Let us know if you would like to read more of these similar success stories and we’ll do that in the near future!

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